
From the late 1960s to the present, the Sierra de Orihuela has been a national climbing destination, but in recent years the visit of foreigners, mainly Europeans, has increased. With this evolution, the Orihuela City Council already collaborated in the publication of the Black Wall and Red Triangle Climbing Guide, but, in addition, it has been possible to post information from other climbing areas, provided by the authors, such as the Momiot, just below the Cruz de la Muela. This boom in climbing has caused sectors of various difficulties to appear, including those classified as "sports" listed below:

  • Sector of the "Barranco de los Muertos" (Ravine of the dead) (La Aparecida)
  • Sector "Good" (La Aparecida)
  • "Pequeño Cervino" Sector (Small Matterhorn) (Raiguero de Levante)
  • Sector "La Bóveda" (The vault) (Raiguero de Bonanza)
  • Sector "Raiguero" (Pinar de Bonanza)
  • Sector "El Paraje" (The place) (Orihuela)
  • Sector "Sudamérica" (South America) (Orihuela)
  • Sector "Pirámide" (Pyramid) (Orihuela)
Concejalía de Deportes
Tel. 96.607.61.00 Ext. 3400
email: deportes@orihuela.es

Departamento de Administración
Tel. 687.666.665
email: deportes.orihuela@serveforyou.es
Departamento Deporte Escolar
Tel. 687.666.686
email: deporteescolar@orihuela.es

CDM Playas de Orihuela
Tel. 603.749.826