The Municipal Sports Council is the collegiate body, through which the participation of citizens is channeled in matters related to municipal powers in sports matters. He is in charge of ensuring the execution of the municipal sports program and of advising and collaborating with the sports facilities policy of the municipality.
The Municipal Sports Council is made up of the President and the members of the Council.
The President of the Municipal Sports Council will be a member of the Corporation freely appointed and separated by the Mayor.
It is the responsibility of the President:
Members of the Municipal Sports Council are:
Council Members will lose their status as such for any of the following reasons:
The Secretary of the Corporation or municipal staff in whom he delegates will act as Secretary.
The Secretary will attend Board meetings with voice, but without vote.
The functions of the Secretary are:
The functions of the Council are:
The Council may be consulted in relation to:
The Council will meet with ordinary character every six months; holding extraordinary meetings, when determined by its President or requested by at least one third of the members. For the constitution of the meeting, the presence of the president and of half plus one of its members on first call and one third of the members on second call will be necessary.
The sessions must be convened three days in advance, except that for urgent reasons it must be convened in a shorter period, with a minimum of 24 hours. In the latter case, the urgency must be estimated by the absolute majority of its members at the meeting itself.
The agreements will be adopted by an absolute majority of attendees. In the event of a tie, it will be resolved by the casting vote of the President.
In matters not provided for in these Regulations, the provisions of the local regulations will be followed. This regulation will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Province.