
Cartel Atletismo 40º

The Department of Sports of the Hon. Orihuela City Council informs you that the day dedicated to ATHLETICS will be held on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 AND 19, from 09:15 to 13:00, within the 40th Municipal Sports Games.

Athletics 40º - Information for Educational Centers

Athletics tests

Athletics I schedule

Shedules day Athletics II

Registration Form - Athletics I

Registration Form - Athletics II

REGISTRATIONS. Send to deporteescolar@orihuela.es the file Registration Form duly completed. Deadline to send inscriptions:
  • Day I: Friday, February 11 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Day II: Friday, February 18 at 10:30 a.m.

Athletics II Bus Itinerary

Classifications Athletics I 40º

Classifications Athletics II 40º

Cartel programa Multideporte

Multisport program for 1st and 2nd grade students: psychomotricity, rugby, handball, orienteering, adapted sports, traditional games, hockey... every Saturday marked on the calendar, a new activity.

Location: "El Palmeral" Municipal Sports Center.

Target audience: 1st and 2nd grade students.

Day and Time: Saturdays from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15.

Next day: Saturday, March 05

                                                                                                      Cartel Jornada Promoción Deporte Adaptado

Free Participation Adapted Sport Promotion, is intended for students of School Centers. In addition, it is a day open to the participation of fathers, mothers and/or any companion who wants to participate.

Its objective is to raise awareness of equality between people. Different activities are organized in which children can perceive the sensations of people with functional diversity. Soccer for the blind, and goal ball, are some of the activities that take place this day.

Location: "El Palmeral" Municipal Sport Center.

Target audience: free participation.

Day and time: Saturday 12-03-2022 from 12:15 to 13:15 h.

Concejalía de Deportes
Tel. 96.607.61.00 Ext. 3400
Tel. 96.673.77.20
email: deportes@orihuela.es

Departamento de Administración
Tel. 69.955.52.74
email: deportes.orihuela@vectoris.es

Área de Deporte Escolar
Tel. 96.607.61.00 Ext. 3411
email: deporteescolar@orihuela.es

CDM Playas de Orihuela
Tel. 603.749.826