

Sports Center dedicated to therapeutic Pilates with specific Pilates machines, in small groups.

Telephone: 626.955.420 - 622.222.302

Contact person: Amparo Andreu Lorente

Address: Av. De la Vega, 46 (ground floor) - Orihuela

Website: https://www.zenterpilatesorihuela.es/es

Email: info@zenterpilates.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zenterpilates/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenter_pilates/

Concejalía de Deportes
Tel. 96.607.61.00 Ext. 3400
Tel. 96.673.77.20
email: deportes@orihuela.es

Área de Deporte Escolar
Tel. 96.607.61.00 Ext. 3411
email: deporteescolar@orihuela.es

CDM Playas de Orihuela
Tel. 603.749.826